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Hello, I’m Elizabeth

As a design researcher, I partner with interdisciplinary teams to reimagine systems. Identifying community assets & identify what works is central to my approach. Let’s reimagine and iterate together.

I have 15+ years of applied design, implementation, and evaluation experience, with emphasis on global health and health informatics portfolio. I consult on and lead a broad spectrum of projects, all with social justice focus. I am especially excited to co-create technologies and systems to support health equity.


Select Projects

a selection of health-related projects

building dashboards

health information system design

designing paper & electronic data systems

an app to investigate war crimes built with Interstitial Coop

study design & implementation


  • Participatory Design
  • Quantitative & qualitative methods
  • Visual storytelling & personas
  • Data collection tool & survey design
  • Research study design
  • UX research
  • Usability studies
  • Journey & workflow mapping
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • UI Design
  • Designing & Facilitating Workshops


  • Design tools (Figma, InDesign)
  • PowerBI
  • DHIS2
  • Excel & Google Sheets
  • R Studio, SAS, Stata
  • Powerpoint & Google Slides
  • Miro & Mentimeter
  • WordPress & Wix
  • Jira & Asana
  • CommCare, OpenSRP, Community Health Toolkit


  • Design & implementation with marginalized communities
  • Healthcare & public health technology
  • Implementation research
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning plans
  • Data visualization & visual storytelling
  • KPI development
  • Data ethics & Ethical AI
  • Creating visual decks
  • Strategic planning
  • Social Justice

Let’s collaborate